
Austintown mom convicted of abuse charged again

WINDHAM — An Austintown woman with multiple convictions for child endangerment was arrested again for allegedly driving drunk with her daughter in the car.

Deanne Hartman, 48, of Maureen Drive, was charged with OVI and a felony count of endangering children when she was arrested about 12:30 a.m. Fridayalong the Ohio Turnpike, near Windham Township in Portage County. The endangering charge was elevated to a felony because of Hartman’s 2017 conviction for the same offense.

Hartman posted her $35,000 cash or surety bond, but her case is scheduled for a Portage County grand jury hearing today, and a preliminary hearing in Ravenna Municipal Court on Friday.

Lt. Philip Robinson of the Hiram Post of the Ohio Highway Patrol said Hartman’s blood-alcohol content registered at 0.172, more than twice the legal limit of 0.08.

Hartman pleaded guilty to an amended misdemeanor count of endangerment in February after she was arrested in December for a May 3, 2023, incident at her home. In exchange, another felony endangering charge and a count of domestic violence were dismissed.

According to the report from the Mahoning County Sheriff’s office, a deputy was approached by one of Hartman’s children on May 5, 2023, while he was working as a school resource officer at a Jackson-Milton school.

The report states that the child said Hartman yelled at her and her sister for making too much noise while they were speaking to their father on the phone about school. Hartman allegedly pulled one of the girls over the back of the couch by their hair, then put her hands around the girl’s neck, leaving scratches.

The girl also said Hartman tried to pull her sister to the ground but was not able to lift her completely off the couch.

The girl s the deputy Hartman has a problem with alcohol and is abusive when drunk, intentionally pulling their hair to avoid leaving any marks.

She was sentenced to a year of probation and alcohol treatment and anger management counseling. A hearing for her violation of those terms is scheduled June 17 in Mahoning County Austintown Court, records show.

The girls now live with their father, John Hartman, in Alabama. In February, Judge Scott Hunter of Austintown Court ordered that Hartman have no contact with the children. But John Hartman said a family court magistrate ordered him to allow the girls to visit with their mother immediately after the incident and also again over this summer.

He said he has filed charges against Hartman in Alabama for harassment that occurred on June 2, when she picked the girls up for her visitation period. He also filed multiple restraining orders against her this week in Mahoning County after he came to get the girls after her arrest.

John Hartman said his daughter was with Deanne at a concert the night of her OVI.

“They are so scared of her,” he said. “She knew her mom was wasted. and she was still scared to call us.”

John said his daughter told him that Hartman also sideswiped another vehicle during that drive, between Blossom Music Center and Interstate 80, between 12:02 and 12:21 a.m.. He said the girl said it was a white SUV, and the girl was seated on the side of Hartman’s car that hit it.

Robinson said his office has not been able to corroborate that claim with any other law enforcement agencies in that area.

John Hartman also said Deanne was abusive to him while they were married, and he has submitted evidence to the court of her physical assaults on him.

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