
Memorial Day 2024: McDonald honors fallen soldiers

McDonald fire Lt. Dan Jamieson places flags Sunday around the village’s war memorial in Woodland Park, McDonald, during the Memorial Day service. The flags represented 19 village residents who lost their lives while serving their country in various branches of the military.

McDONALD — The courageous service that veterans have shown defending our country were praised and honored at a village ceremony on Sunday afternoon.

Approximately 50 people gathered at the war memorial in Woodland Park, where flags were placed to remember 19 village residents who gave their lives for the country.

“Today we honor the memories of those who have given their lives in service to our country. Ceremonies today deepen our reverence for those who have gone before us,” Mayor Ray Lewis said.

He said Memorial Day is a time for families and friends to spend time together at picnics and pool parties, but today “is also a time to remember the 19 individuals who are honored at the memorial we stand around.”

“I ask as you think about Memorial Day. Enjoy the day and celebrate with family and friends, have your picnic, but always remember those who died for the freedoms we have today. As you go about your day, remember what the holiday is all about,” Lewis said.

Flags were placed around the memorial by members of village council and members of the fire department to remember the 19 veterans from the village who died in various wars.

Lewis said the 19 veterans were fathers, sons, and brothers.

“Today they are with us in memory,” Lewis said.

Police Sgt. Brandon Caraway, who served in the U.S. Marine Corps, placed a memorial wreath at the war memorial.

Pastor Joe Rastelli of McDonald First Baptist Church and a retired Army sergeant, said it is important to commemorate those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and our freedoms.

Have an interesting story? Contact Bob Coupland by email at bcoupland@tribtoday.com. Follow us on X, formerly Twitter, @TribToday.


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