
Man wanted for 2022 gas station shooting arrested

YOUNGSTOWN — A man wanted by Youngstown police in connection to a 2022 gas station shooting death has been arrested, according to the Northern Ohio Violent Fugitive Task Force.

Zachary Bair, 33, was taken into custody Friday, one week after a warrant was issued for his arrest, at a business in the 600 block of Industrial Road in Youngstown, a task force news release states.

The release states officers responded Dec. 22, 2022, to a gas station on the South Side and found Devin Bell, 26, dead. Police believe he was shot by two men wearing ski masks who ran away on Samuel Avenue after the shooting.

One man, Akeem Hargrove, 31, was arrested a few days after Bell was killed and charged with aggravated murder, the release states.


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