
Man sentenced to prison for shooting woman

YOUNGSTOWN — A man was sentenced to 10 to 14 1/2 years in prison Wednesday on attempted murder and other charges.

The attempted murder took place June 6 in a house on Leo Avenue on the West Side, where Arlis R. Casey Jr., 31, shot a woman multiple times during an argument in the woman’s home.

Casey pleaded guilty Wednesday before Mahoning County Common Pleas Court Judge Anthony D’Apolito to attempted murder and a gun specification, plus being a felon in possession of a firearm. The victim was in court, but she did not wish to make a victim impact statement. She agreed to the plea agreement reached with Casey, prosecutors said.

Casey was arrested the day of the 4:30 a.m. shooting in the 1300 block of Leo Avenue. Police said Casey had a dispute with the woman before the gunfire. The woman was in critical condition after the shooting, but police later said they expected her to make a full recovery.

Casey was free on a $23,000 bond at the time of the shooting on aggravated burglary charges. In the aggravated burglary case, he was accused of forcing his way inside a home on St. Louis Avenue on the South Side and beating a woman. He was later indicted on felony charges of aggravated burglary and abduction and misdemeanor counts of theft, assault and petty theft in that case.

In that case, Casey pleaded guilty Wednesday to a reduced count of burglary, plus abduction and disrupting public services. His sentence on those charges was ordered to be served at the same time as the 10 to 14 1/2 years for the shooting.

Casey gets credit for 345 days spent in the Mahoning County jail awaiting trial.

In 2012, Casey pleaded guilty to two counts of felonious assault, improper discharge of a firearm at or into a habitation and robbery in a 2010 shooting. He was sentenced to four years in prison. He also was sentenced to two years in prison on probation violation in 2019, according to court records.

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