
Jackson Township trustees


WHAT: Township trustees meeting May 14

PRESENT: Tom Frost, Alan Hemphill and John Jakubec


• Received a three- year, $1,716 contract quote from Cummins Sale & Service for generator repair services. Hemphill suggested they wait until they can get more quotes, as the quote did not have any details in it.

• Approved pursuing All Ways Construction LLC’s bid of $45,666 for the paving of cemetery roads. Frost explained to attendees that the money for this project was not coming from the general fund, but was coming from the county commissioners.

• Tabled action on Leonard Parkway project bids, which were opened April 29. While trustees would like to go with Karvo Company, whose asphalt surface course costs were $30 less per ton than the next two lowest bidders, they hadn’t responded to an email seeking the specifications of a super pave asphalt mix.

• Approved paying the township’s annual BWC Group Payment with Segewick totaling $1,460.

• Approved registering department heads for the MCTA membership meeting. Costing $250 per person, registration will be reimbursed by MCTA.

• Approved buying a new HP Pavilion laptop from Sam’s Club for Fiscal Officer Judy Patton, totaling $698.

• Approved a wire payment of $7,493 to BNY Mellon for township building repairs.

• Approved paying $13,291 for fire station’s flooring and main door repair costs that were not paid for by insurance from the April 2023 fire.

• Approved paying $989 to VFIS of Ohio for the renewal of insurance for firefighters.

• Approved paying $3,194 to Klaben Crown Ford for steering gear and tie rod replacement with alignment to Unit 104, a 2015 Ford Explorer, which police Chief Peter Rozzi would touch on later in the meeting.

• Heard from fire Chief Michael Mortimer that Amber Anstine completed her EMT course, passed her national registry and is working to get the state licensure.

• Heard from Mortimer that the station’s painting and stucco repair are to be completed by the end of the month.

• Approved Mortimer’s request to send himself and his two battalion chiefs to the Ohio Fire Chiefs Association’s annual leadership conference in Columbus in July. Total cost for attendance and rooms is $3,500.

• Approved the road department’s garage bay door payment to D&R Garage Doors totaling $3,390.

• Heard from Rozzi that Sgt. David Shively will be attending a two-day active threat response training May 28 and 29. The training will be at the Mercy Health Police Department Training Facility and the $650 will be reimbursed by a state grant.

• Heard from Rozzi that the 2006 Vintage Gooseneck car hauler trailer auction closed April 22 and sold for $8,600.

• Rozzi reminded everyone Safety Day will be Aug. 10 at Jackson-Milton Elementary School.

• Heard Zoning Inspector Bill D’Avignon recommend administrative assistant Samantha Metts be appointed as the Zoning Commission and Zoning Appeals Board’s secretary to record and prepare meeting minutes. She will be compensated a minimum of two hours at her current rate per meeting.

• Heard from D’Avignon that he received three quotes from two sign companies for rebranding the Jackson Township Business Center. Two quotes from DB Signs were $8,310 for an aluminum sign with raised aluminum letters and $2,702 for an aluminum sign with painted letters; and a quote from Ellet Sign Company for $4,478 for an aluminum sign with PVC letters.


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