
Boardman firefighters to get new turnout gear

BOARDMAN — Township trustees on Monday approved $24,493 for the purchase of Janesville V-Force turnout gear for the Boardman Fire Department.

Turnout gear” refers to the heavy-duty jackets and pants that firefighters wear during emergency situations. Janesville is a leading company that produces this specialized clothing.

Boardman’s purchase of new gear is a standard procedure.

“This is just our annual turnout gear replacement program. Turnout gear has a 10-year shelf life,” Boardman Fire Chief Mark Pitzer said. “We replace about eight to 10 sets a year.”

Pitzer also updated the board on the new ambulance.

“We put it in service last week,” Pitzer said. “It is up and running and we’ve transported quite a few patients already.”

Boardman police Chief Todd Werth updated the board on a new officer, Frankie Decenzi, who recently graduated from the Youngstown State University Police Academy and is awaiting state certification. Werth also announced that Boardman Police Sgt. Mike Sweeney will attend a 10-week FBI leadership training program in Quantico, Virginia.

“The FBI National Academy is a session put on four times a year,” Sweeney said. “It is a leadership development program where representatives from all 50 states attend, as well as representatives from other countries, not only to develop as leaders but to learn how people are doing it in other places within the United States and around the world.”

The National Academy also includes brainstorming sessions and physical training, Sweeney said.

“That’s a program that is probably the premier law enforcement executive program within the country,” Werth said. “The tab is completely picked up by the FBI.”

Sweeney will join four other Boardman police officers who have participated in the selective program.

Boardman Township Administrator Jason Loree announced an upcoming open house for the Boardman Fire Department, but the actual date has not been set.

The ABC Water District will have a meeting at 2 p.m. today at the Boardman Government Center, Loree said, and he announced a meeting May 20 to discuss the Forest Lawn Stormwater Park restoration project.

The project “will help alleviate local flooding and stream erosion” and “open up the Cranberry Run stream and restore it to more natural conditions,” according to the H2Ohio government website. “Daylighting the stream will help restore and assist the recovery of the degraded ecosystem, reduce flooding, create valuable public space and provide economic benefits,” the website reads.

The township is now accepting bids from contractors to complete the project. It is a three-week bid process to evaluate contractors, according to Loree.

The township also is accepting bids for the Baymar Drive sewer improvement project.

“We will get that road taken care of hopefully without digging up the whole road,” Loree said. “We have really good new technology out there to help reseal the seams along the (sewer) pipe,” he said.

Road Superintendent Marilyn Kenner updated the board on the township’s repaving projects which will be bid out in June to award contracts after July 1, she said.

“We are funded, but we have to wait for some other projects to be completed to bring money back to the township,” Kenner said.

Trustee Thomas Costello announced that the Ohio Public Works Commission has changed some of its guidelines regarding grants for road projects and has made these retroactive. These guidelines may affect how funds from the OPWC are awarded in the future. Costello represents the township to the commission.

Kenner emphasized that no matter what the outcome of the meeting, the township will be moving forward with its plans.

The next trustees meeting will be May 28, a Tuesday, because of the Memorial Day holiday.

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