On the record
Hubbard Township
WHAT: Trustees meeting April 9
PRESENT: William Colletta, Jason Tedrow and Rick Hernandez
•Heard from Jeffrey Rowland, the Eagle Joint Fire District financial trustee, requesting that trustees consider reallocating American Rescue Plan funds from the township to the fire department. Colletta will investigate whether this is legal before a decision can be considered.
•Heard from Fiscal Officer Jennifer Evans a report with full costs of reinstatement of officer Michael Orr be presented at the May 14 meeting.
•Heard from Hernandez the injection well permit has run out for Bobcat LLC, with no new permits being requested. Select Water from Texas has purchased all rights from Bobcat LLC. he said. Trustees will continue to monitor the situation.
•Reported the township restroom restoration project has been moved up for consideration for ARP funds from the county commissioners.
•Received a recognition plaque from attorney Mark Finamore to honor former trustee Frederick Hanley for his donation of the Eagle plaque in the administration building.
•Heard from Tedrow of reviewing the tree removal issue on Hubbard Thomas Road. He also said the “No jake brake” signs for Bellwick Avenue should be installed within the next two weeks.
•Approved filling pot holes on Watts, New York Lane and Burns Lane.
•Approved Kirila Contracting for 2024 road paving of Mount Everett, Laurel Park and a portion of Bell Avenue at $174,932.
•Announced scrap tire collection will be 9 a.m. to noon April 27 at the Hubbard Township administration building with eight tires per load with rims allowed.
•Approved presenting 22 proclamations to athletes for outstanding performance while attending Hubbard High School.
•Approved signing a letter of support for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to convert the shuttered rest area on Interstate 80 in Hubbard Township to truck rest parking.
•Will set up a meeting with Ed Davis, Ohio Pubic Works Commission administrator, for guidance on applying for funding.
• Bob Coupland
On the record
Jackson Township
WHAT: Trustees April 9 meeting
PRESENT: Alan Hemphill and John Jakubec
ABSENT: Tom Frost
•Received a new Mastercard for administrative assistant Samantha Metts. Former secretary Karen Novak’s card will be destroyed after they make sure Metts’s card is active.
•Approved renewing the township’s all-encompassing insurance through OTARMA costing $48,053. Originally costing $51,855, Fiscal Officer Judy Patton explained the township gets a loyalty credit for $3,801, which knocks down the price.
•Heard from fire Chief Michael Mortimer that Bluejay Fire Camp is scheduled Aug. 3, 10, 17 and 24 with Milton and Craig Beach’s fire departments, and the next planning meeting will be April 22 at Milton Township’s fire station. Mortimer thanked both township’s fiscal officers and trustees for helping with parental permission slips and securing funding.
•Heard from Mortimer that their ambulance is in New Jersey for remounting and will return by late May, as expected.
•Approved paying for Fire Engine 66’s standard maintenance, auto-ejector repair and driver seat belt retractor through Atlantic. Totaling $5,065, Mortimer explained the truck was originally there for warranty work to repair paint and corrosion, and the repair items being covered aren’t under warranty.
•Heard from Mortimer that preparations are being made to start staffing the fire station with two people 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday. Mortimer added they anticipate being ready to start June 1.
•Heard from police Chief Peter Rozzi that he sent out orders to officers for 2024’s Continuing Professional Training. Rozzi explained that each officer must complete 24 hours of the training, and the cost will be covered by the state.
•Heard from Rozzi that the department received one of the 25 ballistic shields from $250,000 in American Rescue Plan money approved by the Mahoning County commissioners for police equipment and training.
•Heard from Rozzi that the 2006 Vintage Gooseneck car hauler trailer from last month’s auction was not paid for and had to be relisted. The auction will run through April 22.
•Approved Rozzi’s request to update the township’s secure vehicle storage fee schedule to add a $150 fee for anyone wanting to pick up a vehicle after hours and a $25 fee if a certified notification letter has to be sent.
• Brandon Cantwell
On the record
WHAT: Village council meeting Wednesday
PRESENT: Sean Schmidt, Kyle Joynes, Chad Jones, John Metzinger,. Don Smith and Mayor Ray Lewis
ABSENT: Kerry Reckard
•Approved Colleen Chance as part-time REST program director for senior citizens at the community center.
•Approved Curt Kuntz as the citizen representative to the planning commission.
•Gave first reading to adding Christmas Eve and Columbus Day as holidays for full-time employees and first reading for vacation adjustment with three weeks vacation after five years of employment, four weeks after 12 years and five weeks after 15 years.
•Set spring cleanup for April 16 and 17 with residents to place items at curbside. Branch collection is also being held with trash collection. For questions on what will be accepted, call the municipal building at 330-530-5472.
• Bob Coupland