
Underground work on Federal Street set

YOUNGSTOWN — The city’s board of control plans today to approve a $443,652 contract for basement vault remediation under the south side of West Federal Street between Market and Phelps streets so improvement work to the street that was postponed can commence.

The city board of control is expected today to approve the $443,652 contract with Guardian Fence and Construction LLC of Nicholasville, Kentucky, to remediate basement vaults underneath the south side of West Federal Street from Market to Phelps streets.

The project should be completed by mid-May, said Charles Shasho, deputy director of public works.

Work to Federal Street from Phelps to Champion streets was halted last year as part of a $27.65 million project on several downtown streets that began in July 2020 and received $10.85 million in federal funding.

The city had to pull that section of Federal from the project because several basements were discovered to be in the right of way on sidewalks, Shasho said.

The Federal Street work includes repaving, realigmnent of curbs, new crosswalks, new lighting, wider sidewalks and changes to parking.

Federal Street between Champion and Market will have work start Monday, Shasho said, with lane closures.

The work between Phelps and Market streets likely will begin shortly after the underground project starts, Shasho said.

This would be the last road improvement project as part of the SMART2 (Strategic and Sustainable, Medical and Manufacturing, Academic and Arts, Residential and Recreation, and Technology and Training) Network program that began nearly four years ago.

Work has been done to Front, Commerce and South Phelps streets and Rayen and Fifth avenues.

Every street has experienced delays and drew complaints from businesses and motorists.

Also today, the board is expected to hire A Neider Architecture LLC of Canfield for $41,200 for architectural design services and prepare bid documents to hire a contractor for work on city hall’s second floor, Shasho said.

The city plans to spend about $500,000 to renovate the former clerk of courts space left empty about six years ago into new offices for the community planning and economic development department by next year, Shasho said.

Community planning and economic development is on the fourth floor of city hall in the former prosecutor’s office. This will double the department’s space, Shasho said.

The board plans today to reject a $271,000 proposal from APBN Inc. of Pulaski, Pa., to paint the railing and street light poles on the Canfield Road Bridge over Lanterman’s Mill, Shasho said.

The city’s estimate for the work was $125,000, he said.

This was the second time the city sought proposals for the work and even after making adjustments to the bid specifications, APBN was the lone company to seek the job and the price was considerably higher than estimated, Shasho said.

“I’m not sure what we’ll do next,” he said. “It’s not a critical project. It’s not complicated. It’s painting, but we’re not paying $250,000 to paint the railing and light poles.”

Have an interesting story? Contact David Skolnick by email at dskolnick@vindy.com. Follow him on X, formerly Twitter, @dskolnick


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