
On the record: Milton Township trustees


WHAT: Township trustees meeting Feb. 20

PRESENT: Dave Tomaino, Wendy DiBernardi and Edward Villone


● Approved fire Chief Kenneth Oles’ request to replace the connector and sensor for the fire department’s pulse oximeter, which connects to a heart monitor due to them being worn out. The total will be $615, including shipping.

● Approved Oles’ request to reorder nylon sew-on station patches for the department’s Class B equipment at a cost of $603.

● Approved sending Justin Binkiewicz and Carson Carrell to West Point Fire’s 36-hour firefighting class in April. The class will begin in April and cost $1,700 to attend. Oles said the class will allow Binkiewicz and Carrell to respond to calls and ride in fire vehicles.

● Approved enrolling Jules D’Amico in a Firefighter 2 class being offered at the Mahoning County Career and Technical Center this spring at a cost of $950.

● Heard from Oles that the fire department’s first shipment of new turnout gear has arrived.

● Heard from Sgt. Detective Thomas Zlenka that the police department was awarded a $9,606 equipment grant for new computers from the state’s Office of Criminal Justice Services.

● Debated and tabled the purchase of a new backup system for the police department’s computer files, as well as a new firewall, until further research can be done and police Chief Charles VanDyke

will be available to answer questions.

● Approved selling an old fuel tank after it is emptied. OTARMA’s risk management findings deemed the tank to be dangerous.

● Heard from Edward Villone, who volunteered to sit as the Milton board member for this year’s Volunteer Fire Dependency Board. It is still seeking a community member to serve. This board is used only as needed, and functions to prepare and submit an application if a firefighter dies in the line of


• Brandon Cantwell


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