
7 area police agencies to get body cameras

Staff report

Seven Mahoning Valley law enforcement agencies — four in Mahoning County and three in Trumbull County — were awarded state grants for the purchase of body-worn cameras for their officers.

In Mahoning County, the largest grant is $64,121 to the Springfield Township Police Department.

Poland Township’s police department will get $47,203, Milton police will receive $13,231 and Coitsville police will get $5,816.

The Trumbull County Sheriff’s Office received the largest grant among the seven area departments at $68,158.

The Champion Police Department is getting $25,083 and the city of Hubbard’s police department is receiving $11,742.

The Trumbull County Sheriff’s Office, Champion and Springfield don’t have any body-worn cameras for their officers.

The third round of funding, totaling about $4.8 million for 108 agencies, was announced Friday by Gov. Mike DeWine as part of the Ohio Body-Worn Camera Grant Program. Of the agencies getting the grants, 32 will use the money to create programs while the rest will expand or upgrade existing technology.

Friday’s announcement was the third round of the state program, which started two years ago. Since the program began, more than 300 law enforcement agencies across the state have received about $14.4 million in funding for body cameras.

The state will award an additional $10 million during the next two years.

“Body-worn cameras are important for both the protection of our law enforcement officers and members of the public,” DeWine said.


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