
Woman arrested in ramming of another woman’s car arraigned

YOUNGSTOWN — Alexis L. Brown, 37, of West Hylda Avenue, was arraigned Wednesday in Youngstown Municipal Court on misdemeanor obstructing official business and driving under suspension in a Monday episode in which she is accused of chasing and ramming a car driven by another woman.

She pleaded not guilty and bond was set at $250. She returns to court at 11:45 a.m. on Dec. 11.

Jovaughn E. Lathern, 45, of Idora Avenue, also was arraigned Wednesday on misdemeanor obstructing official business for his alleged role in the case. No details on his arraignment were available on the court website other than he is now set for a second hearing at 10:30 a.m. Dec. 6. Lathern was released from the jail Tuesday, but Brown remained in the jail as of Wednesday afternoon. Both were taken into custody Monday.

Police were called to Hillman Street and West Warren Avenue at 3:23 p.m. Monday and found the alleged victim’s vehicle and the suspect vehicle following it on Hillman Street.

Officers made a traffic stop, and Lathern got out of the passenger seat and approached the police cruiser. He did not follow orders, causing an officer to unholster his stun gun and eventually gain compliance from Lathern.

At some point, Brown exited the vehicle that was following the other vehicle and fled on foot. Another officer located Brown trying to get into a vehicle on Parkcliffe Avenue near Hudson Avenue. That officer activated lights and siren and spoke to Brown, who said she had come from a vehicle similar to the one alleged to have been following the woman. She said her boyfriend told her to follow the other vehicle.

She was taken back to the scene and identified as the person ramming the other vehicle. Police observed damage on both vehicles.


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