
Poland Village officials hold 2nd reading on texting bill

POLAND — Village Council held two second readings at its meeting Tuesday — one on texting and the second on police officer wages.

Village Solicitor Joseph Macejko said the police wage ordinance was passed last year, but needed to be tweaked. Among the issues was the number of years an officer had to work for each step to bring about a rate increase. Macejko said clearly defining the time for each step would help retain officers in a world where officers are in demand.

The other issue with the ordinance was starting wages. He said new officers were hired at $19.95 and the most recent rate approved by council is $20.38. The ordinance would correct that starting amount.

The second issue involved texting violations. With the new state law on texting, the village needed to pass an ordinance to be able to deal with it locally. Without the ordinance, a citation for texting while driving would have the fines and costs going to a different entity. With the ordinance, the Village Violations Bureau can deal with the citations locally and the fines and costs would stay with the village.

“It would also free up an officer’s time to be in court,” he said.

Both ordinances will have the third and final reading at the Dec. 5 meeting, which will be council’s only meeting next month.

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