
Group seeks $1M from county for development

WARREN — A group looking to increase economic development in Mahoning and Trumbull counties asked Trumbull County commissioners to support its efforts by providing Valley Vision 2025 $1 million to do a variety of projects.

The economic and recovery plan is being developed through the Mahoning Valley Partnership, which includes the Western Reserve Port Authority, Eastgate Regional Council of Governments, Valley Partners, Youngstown Foundation, the Youngstown / Warren Regional Chamber and others.

The group hopes to stabilize and expand existing businesses; increase public awareness of arts and cultural industries; increase public participation in workforce training; expand education and employment opportunities; and increase stability of nonprofit organizations and businesses.

The $1 million investment will be leveraged to attract additional funding from public, private and philanthropic partners.

“Historically, in the (Mahoning) Valley, we have not done a very good job in working together on economic development,” Guy Coviello, president and CEO of the Youngstown / Warren Regional Chamber, said. “We came together and decided to break down our individual silos and work together. We are now ready to approach economic development in an operational standpoint that we’ve not done before.”

Coviello insists the time is now for the individual organizations to work together.

“Youngstown was declared as being the No. 1 city in Ohio with the highest number of people living below the poverty level and Warren was ranked No. 2,” he said. “Warren has the lowest median household income in Ohio≥”

“The system has to be changed,” Coviello said. “We are willing to admit we have not been as successful as we would like to be. We need to attack economic development from a different perspective.”

Coviello said the group looked at eight other economic regions in the state and found that counties in the seven other regions have been contributing significantly more to economic development than the Mahoning Valley region.

“We are treading water, but are nowhere near competing with other regions that we do compete with,” he said. “This effort is to allow us to successfully compete with these regions and others.”

Lynette Forde of the Youngstown Foundation emphasized that no one organization alone will achieve success in overcoming poverty, under education and employment and eliminating poor health outcomes. Groups must find ways to combine their strengths by working side by side.

Josh Prest of the Mahoning Valley Partnership said the group obtained verbal commitment from the Mahoning County commissioners to provide $1 million to support the effort.

Mahoning County Commissioner Carol Rimedio Righetti said the commissioners are very supportive of the group’s economic development efforts. The commissioners, however, have not identified the funding source for its $1 million contribution.

Warren Mayor Doug Franklin said the group talked to him about the proposal several months ago, but no set amount was given for the city’s contribution.

“We need to get more details,” Franklin said.

Coviello said the contributions expected from the cities likely would be different than what is being requested from the two counties.

Trumbull County Auditor Martha Yoder said the county has $1 million available that could be used to support the effort. Commissioner Denny Malloy expressed support of the economic development efforts but suggested the commissioners should have a seat at the table.

Commissioner Mauro Cantalamessa is being more cautious in providing support for the effort, saying he must review the proposal’s details.

Commissioner Niki Frenchko did not attend the commissioners weekly workshop, where this was discussed. Frenchko generally holds meetings with individual department heads during the time of the commissioner workshops.

Trumbull County Human Resources Director Alexandra DeVengencie-Bush emphasized the organization needs to work in concert with county departments and other organizations already working to achieve some of goals being outlined by Valley Vision 2025.

Coviello said it will not be duplicating efforts being done by other organizations. There is no time limit being placed on commissioners to provide the funds.


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