
Applewood Acres flooding fix could come this week

Leaf pickup program begins Monday

BOARDMAN — In another effort to mitigate longtime chronic flooding in parts of the township, a project in a portion of Applewood Acres could get underway this week.

An extensive $280,000 pipe-replacement project will take place in a narrow space between two homes on Oakridge Drive, beginning with a compromised pipe that is largely collapsed and rusted, township administrator Jason R. Loree said after Monday’s trustees meeting.

Eventually, the second pipe will be removed, the end result being a singular one with roughly the same water-flow capacity from a detention pond in the development near Mathews Road, he explained.

“Water was piped in from streams in the early days of construction in Boardman,” Loree said, adding that some of the pipes in Applewood Acres were installed in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

Township officials hired Struthers-based Rudzik Excavating for the work, which could wrap up by late next month, weather permitting, Loree noted.

The work will begin next week with a “pothole inspection,” which will entail digging a small hole between the two residences to better ascertain and evaluate the condition of the soil, as well as the two homes’ underground structures.

The project also will be considerably “nuanced” because of the delicacy of the location, Loree said. He added that seismic monitoring will be done for the safety of the homes, along with looking at their foundation walls to be sure the work will not cause any additional problems to them, if such problems exist, Loree continued.

Township officials became aware of the situation with the pipes about two years ago, around which time some neighbors began complaining about the problem. Afterward, inspections were conducted and property owners in the vicinity were notified of results, he recalled.

Also at the session, Marilyn Kenner, road superintendent, announced that the township’s annual leaf pickup program is to begin Monday and continue for three weeks, through Nov. 17.

Residents are asked to use brown recyclable paper bags and place them by the curb the evening before their scheduled pickup day.

The bags, which are available at most local retail stores, should remain open, not taped or stapled, Kenner noted. They should be filled with leaves only — no acorns, sticks, dog waste or rocks, she added.

For a complete list of pickup days for each street, go to the township’s website, www.boardmantwp.com.


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