
Woman pleads to stealing $18,000 from Craig Beach grocery store

YOUNGSTOWN — Christine Hardy, 53, of Garver Drive, pleaded guilty Tuesday in Mahoning County Common Pleas Court to a charge of grand theft for stealing $18,000 from the Craig Beach Sparkle Market.

According to her indictment, the thefts were from Feb. 11, 2021, to Sept. 7, 2021. She was working as a cashier when she stole the money, prosecutors said.

During the hearing, Judge R. Scott Krichbaum allowed Hardy to enter a program called treatment in lieu of conviction. Though Hardy pleaded guilty, the judge will stay the case for two years while Hardy engages in treatment for substance abuse. If she successfully completes the program, she will have no felony conviction from the matter, the judge said.

During the hearing, Hardy said she had been sober for a year. Ron Yarwood, Hardy’s attorney, said Hardy qualifies for the program in that her offense was related to her drug use. Yarwood said the restitution amount was “in no small part because of her parents.” He said he believes this is because they “have seen a significant change in their daughter since her sobriety and her dedication to her sobriety.”

Jennifer Paris, an county assistant prosecutor, said Hardy was deemed eligible to participate in the treatment program, and Hardy had given her a certified check for $18,000 to pay her restitution. The victims are in agreement with the plea agreement, Paris said.

The judge advised Hardy that he will not allow Hardy to violate the terms of her plea in the intervention in lieu of treatment program. “If you do, there will be a penitentiary sentence imposed,” he said.

She already is being treated in a program through Meridian Healthcare and also will engage in the Treatment Accountability for Safer Community programs. TASC conducts testing assessments, drug testing, case management and nonintensive outpatient services to several specialty court programs, according to its website.


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