
Canfield council OKs Sawmill Creek project

CANFIELD — City council approved ordinances Wednesday that will allow for start of the Sawmill Creek Improvement Project.

The project includes a large underground retention area to slow the flow of water and move it out of the city without causing flooding issues.

Acting city Manager and police Chief Chuck Colucci said the project will start this fall and will include placement of underground water retention.

“This will be installed in the northeast corner of the Canfield High School property,” Colucci said.

He said the project calls for underground retention that will collect large amounts of water and allow it to exit the area slowly, which will prevent flooding further downstream.

“This is a huge retention area,” said city Attorney Mark Fortunato. “It is almost 1 1/2 acres.”

The first ordinance gives Colucci the authority to enter into an agreement between the city and the Ohio Water Development Authority for a loan to fund the project.

The second ordinance gives Colucci authority to enter into a contract with Yarian Brothers Construction Company with the cost not to exceed $1,860,455.

The northeast corner of the school property borders Sawmill Creek, which runs in a tree line between the school property and the backyards of homes on South Briarcliff. The hope is the project will ease flooding problems in that area as well as downstream.


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