
On the record: Jackson Township

WHAT: Trustees meeting July 11

PRESENT: Tom Frost, Alan Hemphill and John Jakubec


• Had a moment of silence for retired fire chief Dan King, who died earlier this month. King was a charter member of the department and served as chief from 1957 to 1977;

• Approved the minutes of a special meeting June 29 in which Ellet Sign Co. was awarded the contract to put up the township’s digital sign. The sign’s total cost is $40,823;

• Passed a resolution for the township’s participation in the 2022 National Opioid Settlement reached with Teva, Allergan, CVS, Walgreens and Walmart. The township will receive less than $500 per year. However, the money will go to the county to spend as it sees fit. Hemphill voted against the resolution due to concerns regarding liability, if the companies decide to challenge the resolution in court at any point;

• Agreed to pay $13,100 to Alexander Concrete for fire station bays, $10,500 to Locality Media Inc. for fire department reporting software, $43,610 to McCandless Ford for a police cruiser and $3,316 to WJ Alarm for a fire / burglar alarm;

• Debated moving the August meeting to Aug. 22 at 6 p.m. because of the special election being held on the original date;

• Heard from police Chief Peter Rozzi III that officer Steven Jones will attend Field Training Officer school from July 18 to 20 in Twinsburg to become the new field training officer. The cost of the training is $400;

• Heard from Rozzi that Sgt. David Shively will attend a Taser instructor course in Painesville. The cost of the training is $495;

• Approved the resignation of reserve officer James Lewis Jr. after nine months of service. Lewis’s promotion at his primary job at a trucking company was the reason for his departure;

• Paid the bills and announced the township’s revenue for the month was $56,914 and expenditures were $286,084.


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