
YSU Foundation adds two new trustees

YOUNGSTOWN — The Youngstown State University Foundation announced Friday that Alexa Sweeney Blackann, former president Sweeney Chevrolet and Sweeney Buick GMC in Youngstown, and Kevin Helmick, president / CEO of Farmers National Bank, have been appointed to the foundation’s board of trustees.

Their three-year terms with the nonprofit organization began May 22.

Blackann earlier this year sold the dealerships to #1 Cochran of Pittsburgh, but stayed as a consultant.

She is a graduate of the NADA Dealer Academy, has a degree in business administration in marketing management from Youngstown State University and is a Poland Seminary High School graduate.

She also serves on the boards of the Youngstown / Warren Regional Chamber, BRITE Energy Innovators, the Better Business Bureau and Akron Children’s Hospital Foundation.

Helmick began his banking career with Security Dollar Bank and became part of Farmers National Bank following Security Dollar Bank’s acquisition in 2000. He has held various positions and titles with Farmers, including investment advisor and vice president, director of retail services and wealth management.

He also serves on the boards of the Akron Children’s Hospital Foundation the Better Business Bureau.


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