
Celebrate culture of the Valley at Simply Slavic

YOUNGSTOWN — The diverse food, music and culture were just some of the things bringing more than 800 people to the Simply Slavic festival Friday.

Simply Slavic opened its gates at 5 p.m., bringing in vendors from all over the region. The opening ceremony at 6 p.m. kicked the event into high gear and featured a parade of flags of the 13 countries whose immigrants settled here.

A keg-tapping ceremony took place to open the event, presided over by Mike Ekoniak of Youngstown and Adam Keck, owner of Modern Methods Brewing Company in Warren, which created the event’s signature beer, Rodina lager.

Simply Slavic secretary and committee member Luke Politsky spoke about what it was like being back, especially with a bit of distance from the COVID-19 pandemic, which made things rough last year.

“Well, we had some challenges last year,” Politsky said. “Trying to get some of the same vendors engaged, we hadn’t done this for two years so we did have some shortages of food and perhaps alcohol. So this year, that really helped us put into perspective how popular this has become for people. And we have doubled the food and doubled the alcohol. You can never have enough.”

The festival has added food vendors from Pittsburgh and Cleveland to meet demand after last year’s festival attracted more than 5,000 visitors following a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic.

Politsky added that the festival is stronger than before and organizers managed to bring in vendors and dancers from areas as far away as Chicago.

Ekoniak of Youngstown has participated in the keg-tapping ceremony since the event’s start in 2011 and said that Friday night’s turnout was really good and he expects more people to come out today.

“The big thing this year was that half of (downtown) Youngstown was torn up. We’ve changed the position here three times just this year, before they finally decided on what we’re doing right now,” Ekoniak said. “This seems like a very good turnout for a Friday night. The weather is supposed to be really great tomorrow, and I think we’re going to do spectacular.”

If you go…

WHAT: Simply Slavic

WHEN: noon to midnight today

WHERE: Central Square and East Federal Street, Youngstown

HOW MUCH: Admission is $5, with children 12 and younger admitted free. For more information, go to simplyslavic.org.

Today’s lineup:

12:15 p.m. — Opening ceremony with ecumenical blessing of the festival food and tribute to Honorary Grand Marshal the Rev. Joseph Rudjak

1 p.m. — Happy Hearts Junior Tamburitzans

1:30 p.m. — Sokyra

2:15 p.m. — Living Traditions Folk Ensemble

3 p.m. — T.O. Nocne Sove

3:45 p.m. — Selo Croation Ensemble

4:15 p.m. — The Zaps

5 p.m. — Kashtan

5:30 p.m. — Tatra Mountain Cultural Foundation Dancers

6 and 8 p.m. — Harmonia

7 and 9 p.m. — Del Sinchak Orchestra

10 p.m. — Vatra lighting ceremony with Harmonia & Friends


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