
Woman gets probation for hitting man with car

YOUNGSTOWN — Dionna M. Bennett was sentenced to two years of probation and three months of electronically monitored house arrest this week after pleading guilty earlier to felony vehicular assault and possession of a fentanyl-related compound.

The charges stemmed from a July 16 incident in which Bennett, 33, of Dupont Street, struck a man with her car after an argument on the North Side. The man said Bennett is the mother of his child.

Sentencing Bennett was Judge Anthony Donofrio of Mahoning County Common Pleas Court.

A Youngstown police report states the victim, 31, said he and Bennett argued over “social media stuff” at an apartment in the Brier Hill area of the North Side, then he started walking to his home not far away.

He said he was walking on Margaret Avenue near Crandall Avenue when he saw Bennett driving toward him at high speed. She struck him, a police report states. Officers found the location where it happened, finding skid marks. He was taken to the hospital.

Officers used the victim’s description of the vehicle and found it on Robinwood Place not far away. While preparing to tow the vehicle, a woman approached and told officers she was present during the incident. She provided a written statement, police said.

Police also located Bennett and took her into custody. Bennett, who was five months pregnant, was taken to the Mahoning County jail after being treated at St. Elizabeth Youngstown hospital for a “rapid pulse.” She was charged with felonious assault and also drug possession after police found a small case in the cruiser containing a scale and a white powder.

The felonious assault charge was dismissed in exchange for Bennett’s guilty plea to the other charges.

The victim asked that Bennett receive no jail time.


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