
Melfi to seek re-election, plans to veto raise

Won’t strike hikes for other officials

GIRARD — Mayor James Melfi, who has announced his re-election bid, said he will veto a pay raise for the mayor that was approved Monday by city council.

The increase was among several council approved for various positions, including law director and auditor, both effective in January 2024, and for clerk of council and sergeant-at-arms, both effective in December.

“I will be vetoing the ordinance that establishes the salary of the mayor of the city,” he said.

The mayor’s pay would go from $52,997 to $58,997; auditor from $47,251 to $53,251 with benefits; and law director from $42,426 to $48,426 with no benefits, or $41,331 with health benefits. All three are elected positions.

The part-time clerk of council would increase from $6,200 to $6,850 and part-time sergeant-at-arms from $30 to $45 per meeting. Because they are appointed positions, their increases would go into effect this year.

Melfi said he is only vetoing the mayor’s raise, not the four other positions.

“It is an honor to have been able to serve as the mayor. I will be seeking re-election next year for mayor,” he said.

Melfi said he does not believe the mayor’s position needs to have an increase in pay.

Over the summer, council approved pay increases for council members and council president, also starting in 2024. The pay for council and council president is $7,900 annually.

The salary for a council member will be $8,658 in 2024, $8,811 in 2025, $8,964 in 2026, $9,123 in 2027, $9,287 in 2028 and $9,443 in 2029.

The salary of council president will be $8,660 in 2024, $8,813 in 2025, $8,966 in 2026, $9,125 $2027, $9,289 in 2028 and $9,445 in 2029.

Officials have said the reason for the pay increase is to have a salary that is enough to qualify for a year’s credit for the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System as required by law.

In other business, Melfi reported he is seeking legal advice on the former Ben Franklin building at the southwest corner of East Liberty Street and U.S. Route 422. He said while a fence was put up at the property other needed improvements to the building have not been done.

“I will speak to legal counsel on the inactivity that has taken place there. There needs to be much more work done there, including plans for the roof,” he said.

In other business, council:

l Was informed work is continuing on the upgrades and remodeling at the city building gymnasium with work to be done by early 2023;

l Heard from Fourth Ward Councilman Thomas Grumley that officials have met with members of Girard Tenants Association to help them with concerns over billing for various utilities at Shannon Terrace Apartments and the Liberty Park Apartments. Residents of the apartments have told council they are being charged with extras for water, electric and other utilities and want to see if city officials can speak with management about the utility charges.



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