
Charges pile up for boy, 15, accused in Canfield Fair melee

YOUNGSTOWN — An additional five charges have been added to the case of a now-15-year-old Campbell boy, accused of having a gun in a dispute that involved gunfire at the Canfield Fair.

The boy appeared Monday morning before Magistrate Karen Romano Melone in Mahoning County Juvenile Court. She ordered the boy to remain in detention in the Martin P. Joyce Juvenile Justice Center.

The boy has been detained since the incident took place late Sept. 3, when he was 14. His attorney, Brian Tareshawty, asked the magistrate to let the boy leave detention, saying he is attending school, was only 14 years old at the time of the incident and has no prior criminal record.

Tareshawty also said the incident is alleged to have involved bullets hitting a car, but there is no indication the bullets came from a gun attributed to his client.

“He is not a violent person,” Tareshawty said.

Annissa Modarelli, an assistant Mahoning County prosecutor, told the magistrate the bullets in the car “did not match the gun he (the boy) has.” But she still asked the magistrate to keep the juvenile detained “because of the circumstances” of the incident.

The boy is one of 11 people arrested after a fight involving gunfire being heard, and several individuals being involved in a dispute that began inside the fairgrounds and continued into the parking lot by Gate C.

Sheriff Jerry Greene said the fight broke out after 8 p.m. and involved young adults and juveniles inside the fairgrounds.

In deciding to detain the boy, the magistrate noted that the boy now faces 10 charges, and the incident took place in a “very public place, whether shooting a gun or not shooting a gun.”

The boy was arraigned last week in juvenile court on five charges — one count of felony inducing panic and misdemeanor counts of criminal trespassing, disorderly conduct, carrying a concealed weapon and resisting arrest.

In addition to those charges, five new charges were filed against the juvenile Thursday — one count of felony tampering with evidence, two counts of felony aggravated riot and an additional count of misdemeanor aggravated trespassing and an additional misdemeanor count of disorderly conduct.

If the boy were to be convicted of the three felonies, he could be detained more than a year.

Several other juveniles were charged in the confrontation but not taken to the juvenile justice center. They will be arraigned later this week, the magistrate said.

There also were several adults charged, including 18-year-old Diamone Boykin, 19-year-old Jalynn Boykin, and 19-year-old Antwanett Jones. All are charged in Mahoning County Area Court in Canfield.

Diamone Boykin and Jaylin Boykin, both of Cooper Street, and Jones, of Conyers, Ga., were each charged with resisting arrest and disorderly conduct and will have a first pretrial hearing Wednesday. All were arraigned last week.



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