
Boardman makes plans to tidy up

Homes in flood plain to be demolished, paving program to begin

BOARDMAN — Plans to demolish seven homes in the Cranberry Run flood zone are progressing with the township selecting an engineering and construction manager.

Township trustees unanimously chose Davey Resource Group for services at a cost of $45,250 for work that will include site grading, stream restoration and landscaping. The township will be responsible for about $5,000.

“We decided to go with Davey Resource Group because they have a lot of experience with this kind of work,” road Superintendent Marilyn Kenner said Monday.

Three Federal Emergency Management Agency grants provide nearly $1.3 million to acquire, demolish and reset the seven properties to their natural states to allow for water flow, Kenner said. The township will be responsible for about $125,000, Kenner said.

Last month, Kenner announced the grant money through FEMA had been secured for the three homes, for $356,900.

In December, $948,000 for four other homes also was secured through FEMA. Those structures are located on South Cadillac and Wildwood drives. The last of the four houses will be closed in May with demolition in June, Kenner previously said.

Acquisition of the three latest homes is anticipated this summer. Kenner has said the township did not have to take any of the properties through eminent domain, and each of the homeowners has worked with the township.


In other developments, the township is embarking on its largest road-paving project in a decade this year covering 10 miles. Cost of the project will be about $1 million, with $350,000 paid for through the Ohio Public Works Commission.

Boardman has 144 miles of roadway. The goal is to resurface entire neighborhoods in the township, Kenner said. Work will be split into two rounds.


In another matter, residents of Boardman and Canfield townships should not be alarmed later this month if they observe a low-flying plane.

The aerial flyover will map elevations within 3 inches. Data collected will be used to help with flood modeling, township Administrator Jason Loree said.

The plane will make about 20 passes.

Meanwhile, fire Chief Mark Pitzer announced the fire department will collaborate with 16 other fire departments to apply for a FEMA grant for 36 new radios.

Radios the department now uses are about 13 years old and were not intended for fire department use, he said. Originally, the radios were used by the police department.

He anticipates knowing by mid-summer if the department will receive the grant. If it doesn’t, Pitzer said he will look for other avenues for the $165,000 purchase.


Road paving details

The first round encompasses 5.6 miles and has been put out to bid. The roads are:

• Palestine Avenue from Market Street to Southern Boulevard

• Wingate Road from Youngstown-Poland Road to Woodlawn Avenue

• The entire length of Tamarisk Trail

• The length of Rosehedge Drive

• Tod Avenue from Washington Boulevard to the township driveway

• Forest Hill Road from Brookwood Road to Market Street

• Lemans Drive from Shields Road to Brookwood Road

• Newport Drive from Market Street to Brookwood Road

• Erie Street from Indianola Road to Meadowbrook Avenue

• Clifton Drive from Market Street to Southern Boulevard

• Homestead Drive from Market Street to Southern Boulevard

• Beechwood Drive from Southern Boulevard to the dead end

• The north part of Applewood Boulevard from U.S. Route 224 to Appleridge Drive

• Trailwood Drive from South Avenue to Bristlewood Drive

• Saddlebrook Drive from Brazelton Drive to the cul-de-sac

• Tiffany South from South Commons to South Avenue

• McKay Court from Eisenhower Drive to South Avenue.

The second round of paving will go to bid in June for these streets:

• Oakridge Drive from Applecrest Drive north to Mapleridge Drive

• Squirrel Hill Drive from Jaguar Court to Silver Fox Drive

• Paulin Drive from Walker Mill Road to Sigle Lane

• Sheridan Road from Country Club to Mathews Road

• Green Glen Drive from St. Albans Drive to the dead end

• Banbury Drive from Green Glen Drive to Robin Hood Drive

• Robin Hood Drive from Green Glen Drive to the cul-de-sac

• Salinas Trail from U.S. Route 224 to Stadium Drive

SOURCE: Boardman trustees


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