
Youngstown, Canfield take up water talks

CANFIELD — Discussions on water rates between the cities of Canfield and Youngstown are ongoing, and a meeting today is to propose amendments to the 2017 agreement, City Manager Wade Calhoun said Wednesday during the regular city council meeting.

Youngstown sells water to Canfield. Negotiations were previously underway, but because of the pandemic last year, those talks were paused.

“There are a lot of parts of that agreements that the city of Youngstown is looking to amend,” as well as the city of Canfield, Calhoun said.

The 20-year term, among other items, are points of discussion, Calhoun said.

Any amended agreement will appear on a council agenda and likely have two readings, Calhoun said.

If Canfield residents have questions, he will be available to answer as best he can as negotiations go on, Calhoun said.

When asked by a resident if rates could be better, Calhoun said he is “hopeful” the new contract will be an improvement for Canfield than what is in place.

The current agreement states annual increases of 7.75 percent.

Councilman John Morvay inquired about paying water bills monthly, as the city bills customers by each quarter. The city is unable to bill monthly, Calhoun said, and until it can, customers can look at their quarterly payment and divide it by three.

Morvay said that by looking at the water meter at each property, one could figure out the rate, which Calhoun added would be done each 30 days.

Also during the meeting, council members unanimously approved Calhoun to begin preparing to apply for a grant from the Eastgate Regional Council of Governments for the Cardinal Connector Bikeway Plan, through the organization’s Planning Grant for 2022.

The study for the project is for $15,000, and Eastgate would pay $9,000. Canfield’s local match for the study would be $6,000. The grant provides federal funds for projects that incorporate transportation and land use planning, increase transportation options and promote livability.

If selected, Canfield would then enter into a contract with the Ohio Department of Transportation and Eastgate.

Calhoun explained that the bike path, “the Cardinal Connector,” would connect C.H. Campbell with Canfield High School, for a proposed bike loop through Canfield.

“This is one piece we think is needed,” as many kids ride their bikes or walk to school, Calhoun said.


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