
Roosters ready for artists

Event part of activities for 175th Canfield Fair

Staff photo / J.T. Whitehouse Fair board director George Roman poses next to one of 25 roosters that will evolve into a flock of colorful art pieces on display at the 175th Canfield Fair in 2021.

CANFIELD — A flock of all-white roosters is being prepared for artists to embellish as part of a Canfield Fair project for 2021.

“Flock to the Fairgrounds” is a public art project similar to Chicago’s “Cows on Parade,” YSU’s “Penguin Parade” and Warren’s “Goddess of Speed” statues.

“This idea came out of the marketing committee for the 2021 Canfield Fair,” said Bergen Giordani, marketing and sponsorship coordinator for the fair. “This is just one of many ideas the board of directors has planned for the 175th Canfield Fair.”

The rooster project involves 25 white fiberglass roosters standing on the Big Rock. The roosters come from an all-female-owned business in Chicago.

Giordani and the fair board directors are now looking for sponsors for each rooster at a cost of $3,500. Sponsors will have a permanent commemorative plaque adhered to the base. As of Dec. 8, about half of the roosters have been sponsored and the search for artists has begun.

“This project will give everyone something to crow about in preparation for the 175th Canfield Fair,” fair Director George Roman said.

Artists are invited to submit family-friendly designs for the roosters, based on themes that include education, nature, landmarks, architecture, literary, musical, authors, communication, children, environment, historical, industrial, occupational, health, technology, restaurants, automotive and more.

The design must be sent along with an artist’s application that is available at www.canfieldfair.com or by contacting the Canfield Fair marketing department at marketing@canfieldfair.com. Artists may submit multiple designs as long as an application for each is filled out and submitted.

“Artists will then have over the summer to complete their rooster,” Roman said.

Once the rooster is returned for the fair, the artist will be paid a $2,000 stipend.


As to who gets to paint each rooster, the marketing department came up with a system. Once all the designs have been submitted by artists, those designs will be considered by a panel of judges.

“A jury of qualified fine arts people will be selected to judge all the designs,” Roman said. “They will select the top 50 designs, which will then be displayed for the sponsors of each rooster to choose from.”

The sponsors will select the design-artist they want for their rooster. Sponsors that have a favorite artist should have him or her submit a design so they have a chance to be selected by the jury.

Roman said the cost of sponsorship is not the big fundraiser. The $3,500 covers the cost of the rooster and the stipend for the artist. The project will bring in funds later in the year.

Roman said after the fair, the roosters will go back to the sponsors to be displayed around the Mahoning Valley for a short time. They will be brought back together in early November for an auction, where each of the 25 roosters will be sold to the highest bidder.

The fair directors believe the project will help boost community spirit and create excitement for the 175th Canfield Fair. It also is expected to support Mahoning Valley artists by showcasing talent and paying for creative work.

The first deadline for the rooster project is Jan. 11, 2021. That date is the deadline for submission of designs from artists. The next deadline is Feb. 5, when the selected artists pick up their white rooster. The artists will then have to deliver their finished work June 1.


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