
COMMUNITY NEWS: Ursuline High sets open house

OPEN HOUSE: Ursuline High School, 750 Wick Ave, Youngstown, will host an open house 1 to 3:30 p.m. Sunday in the school cafeteria. All academic departments and school organizations will prepare booths and displays for the event. Faculty and staff will be available to speak with families. Student-led tours will be available. RSVP to attend and for information, visit ursuline.com/rsvp.

GROUP TO MEET: Worthy, an LGBTQ spiritual group, will meet 6 p.m. Friday at the Unity Spiritual Centre, 1226 Naylor Lloyd Road, Liberty. The group will meet on the last Friday of each month to focus on an awareness of oneness. For information, call the centre at 330-539-0122.

CONVERSATION WITH FISHMAN: McKinley Memorial Library, Main Street, Niles, will present “An Inside Look at Working with a Literary Agent: A Conversation with Seth Fishman” at 1 p.m. Tuesday.

This presentation will be streamed live online. Visit libraryc.org/mcklib/65431 to register, submit questions for the presenter or view the recording afterward.

Seth Fishman, vice president and literary agent at The Gernert Co., will provide an inside look into working with an agent and the beginning stages of the publishing process. This extended, 90-minute presentation includes 30 minutes of questions and answers. The lecture is presented in partnership with the Library Speakers Consortium.

NERF GUN FUN: The Girard Free Library will host a Nerf Gun War at 6 p.m. today, with those wanting to participate to bring their own dart-style Nerf gun A limited supply of Nerf guns will be available to those who need one. All ages are welcome with registration needed at 330-545-2508..

A Winter Wonderland Teen painting will be at 2 p.m.Saturday for ages 12 to 18 to paint on canvas.Materials will be provided. Registration is needed at 330-545-2508.

ADVISORY BOARD: The Emmanuel Community Care Center in Girard is seeking advisory board members. Anyone interested in being part of the center board can call Ruthann at 330-545-4301. The center’s Valentine’s Day dinner fundraiser has been canceled, with another event being planned.

POTLUCK SPORTS: The Girard Multi-Generational Center, Trumbull Avenue, Girard, will host a sports fan potluck lunch noon to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday. Those attending can wear their favorite sports team or player attire. The center also will start its sign-ups for the Super Bowl block pool. Sign up if you plan to attend and bring a dish.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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