
Community news

HOLIDAY POP-UP: A Small Biz Holiday Pop-Up will be 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday at St. Joseph’s Social Hall, 4545 New Road, Austintown.

Forty-plus local small business vendors will be on hand with donations going to the Youngstown Blue Coats and All About the Pawz. Youngtown Blue Coats will collect new and used hats, gloves, boots, coats and blankets.

There will be a basket raffle to benefit All About The Pawz Dog Rescue along with surprises and treats.

For more information, email Smallbizpopupaustinown@gmail.com. For information on Youngstown Blue Coats, located in Hubbard, call 330-531-1762 or email ytownbluecoats@gmail.com. For information on All About the Pawz, call 330-536-3234 or email lovemydogs7@yahoo.com.

HANUKKAH CELEBRATION: A Hanukkah celebration will be 6 p.m. today at Congregation Ohev Beth Shalom, 1119 Elm St., Youngstown.

FAMILY MOVIE: The Girard Free Library will show the movie “All I Want For Christmas” at 11 a.m. Saturday. The event is free for families.

OFFICE CLOSED: The Mahoning County Veterans Service Commission 0ffice will be closed to the public Dec. 24, 25, and 31 and Jan. 1. The office will re-open Jan. 2.

Questions may be addressed to Susan Krawchyk. executive director, at 330-740-2450.

Community news

CHRISTMAS IN PARK: The Mayor’s Christmas in Tod Park, in Girard, will be 4 to 8 p.m. Saturday. There will be pictures with Santa Claus, a children’s activity area, caroling and free popcorn and cotton candy. Food vendors also will attend.

HOLIDAY FUNDRAISER: The seventh annual Holiday Small Biz popup to benefit the Youngstown Blue Coats and All About the Pawz will be 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday at the St. Joseph Church Social Hall, 4545 New Road, Austintown. There will be more than 40 small business vendors, a collection for the Youngstown Blue Coats and a basket raffle to benefit All About The Pawz Dog Rescue.

NAME THAT TUNE: The Girard Multi-Generational Center on Trumbull Avenue will host a Christmas-themed Name that Tune with Devoted Health at 10 a.m. Tuesday.

A Kris Kringle potluck will be noon to 2 p.m. Wednesday. The center will provide pasta and meatballs, with those attending asked to bring a dish to share. Reservations are required at 330-545-6596.

POLAND SOCIETY TO MEET: The Poland Historical Society will meet at 5 p.m. Tuesday for the Christmas gathering at the Beard Cabin in Boardman Park. The society will provide the main dish. RSVP to Laurie Fox via text at 330-717-4705 or email lamlfox@zoominternet.net.

SIMPLY SLAVIC CELEBRATION: Simply Slavic, the downtown festival created specifically to celebrate Greater Youngstown’s Slavic community, will host Home for the SLAVidays 7 to 11 p.m. Friday at Penguin City Brewing Company on East Federal Street. Admission is $15 per person with children 12 and under admitted free. The event marks the halfway point to the Simply Slavic Festival.

WARD MEETING: The Youngstown Sixth Ward town hall will be at 1 p.m. Saturday at Newport Library on Market Street. Guest speaker is Law Director Lori Shellis-Simmons. Refreshments will be served. There will be door prizes and a gift basket raffle.

GIRARD LIBRARY EVENTS: The Girard Free Library will host a Family Fun Time 6 p.m. today with Lego Night at the Library. Call to reserve a spot.

The Cozy Crafters will meet at 6 p.m. today for anyone who enjoys crocheting, knitting and embroidery. Crafters will be able to socialize and share tips while working on their current projects.

People can learn to paint digitally in Adobe Fresco at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday by creating their own Christmas tree.

RAILROADERS GATHERING: All railroaders are invited to the breakfast meeting 11 a.m. Thursday at the Family Kitchen and Smokehouse Restaurant in Chester, West Virginia.

Community news

VETERAN GIFTS: The Tri-State Detachment Marine Corps League 494, VFW Austintown 4237 and VFW Hubbard 3767 are giving away 300 gift certificates for $50 to all military veterans beginning 10 a.m. Sunday at Sparkle Market, Cornersburg, 3623 S. Meridian Road, Youngstown, until all certificates have been given out.

Veterans must present proof of eligibility, such as county veteran identification, driver’s license with military designation or DD-214 to receive a gift certificate for food at select Sparkle Markets in the Boardman, Austintown and Youngstown area.

DARE SINGLES: Divorce / Death Aren’t Really the End (DARE) Group will meet for bowling 7 p.m. Saturday at Boardman Lanes. Also, members will meet 7 p.m. Monday at the Dairy Queen on Market Street.

For more information on the group, call 330-729-0127.

Community news

HOLIDAY HOPES AND WISHES: The Kids Crew of the Mahoning Valley will present Holiday Hopes and Wishes at 10 a.m. Friday at Mr. Anthony’s in Boardman.

The event benefits Akron Children’s Hospital. This year, money will go to the Sports Medicine Department.

Tickets are $50 and include brunch. Tickets for a 50/50 raffle and silent auction will be available for purchase. A special raffle, $20 per ticket, is a chance to win two tickets to Sunday’s NFL game between the Kansas City Chiefs and Cleveland Browns.

For tickets, contact www.kidscrewmahoningvalley.com or Janelle Nagy at 248-200-8032.

FEAST OF GUADALUPE: The Diocese of Youngstown will have a community Mass at 6 p.m. Thursday at St. Columba Cathedral for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas, with the rosary beginning at 5 p.m.

The Mass concludes a multi-week effort in which Hispanic families throughout the six-county diocese have been praying the rosary with their families in the presence of 10 statues that have been moving from home to home. All statues will be in the cathedral before the Mass, presided over by Bishop David J. Bonnar with various diocesan priests who celebrate Mass in Spanish or serve the Hispanic community. After the rosary there will be a procession of roses.

HELPING HANDS: Broadway Recovery Services, a nonprofit organization in Youngstown, is having its fifth annual Helping Hands Tree initiative. The goal is to spread holiday cheer and by purchasing gifts from Broadway’s current needs list for their houses, residents and residents’ children.

The list of needs includes what the residents would like to give to their children for Christmas such as toys, clothes and books, as well as what residents need, including basic necessities and winter clothing. Broadway is also looking for supplies for the residents’ homes including fresh sheets, towels, toiletries and cleaning supplies.

Participate by visiting road wayrecoveryservices.org/helping-hands-tree, selecting a virtual ornament and pledging to purchase items from the list. Wrapped and labeled gifts can be delivered to the Broadway Recovery Services office, 725 Boardman-Canfield Road, Unit C4, Boardman, no later than Dec. 16.

HELPING ANIMALS AND SHELTERS: The Jackson-Milton Elementary Student Council has partnered with the Jackson-Milton High School National Honor Society and Students Against Destructive Decisions to organize “Pet Santa,” an initiative to help animals and the nonprofits that serve them.

Donations will benefit four local animal rescues and charities: Animal Charity, New Lease on Life, Rebel Rescue Ranch and Friends of Fido / Mahoning County Dog Pound. Students are collecting donations online by providing the community access to each organization’s Amazon Wish List or website to make a monetary donation. Items from each organization’s wish list are also being collected at each school.

Donations can be dropped off at the Jackson Milton Local Schools, elementary at 14110 Mahoning Ave., North Jackson, or high school at 13910 Mahoning Ave., North Jackson.

All donations will be delivered Dec. 20.

Community news

TREE LIGHTING: Lowellville Village will welcome Santa Claus at 6 p.m. Sunday for the annual tree-lighting event at the city hall. The fire department and enrichment group are coordinating the event. A fire truck will travel with Santa through the village, and hot cocoa and treats will be served.

SANTA EVENT: The Rowan Sweeney Memorial Foundation will host a Breakfast with Santa 9 a.m. to noon Sunday at Waypoint 4180 Westford Place, Canfield. The event will include breakfast, crafts, story time with Santa and a basket raffle. Tickets are $15 reservation only. Visit www.rowansweeneymemorialfoundation.com/events

WREATHS FOR VETERANS: The Mahoning County Master Gardener volunteers will place wreaths on veterans’ graves 10 a.m. Saturday at Canfield Cemetery, 315 E. Main Street.

A donation form is available at go.osu.edu/wreathsforourveterans2024

HUBBARD PARADE: The Hubbard Christmas parade will be 5 p.m. Saturday at the Hubbard school campus with lineup beginning at 4 p.m.

The parade route will travel down Hall Avenue, turn east onto West Liberty Street and then end by turning north on Stewart Avenue. Santa and Mrs. Claus will arrive at Tylee Park (next to the fire station) to visit with children in Santa’s cottage.

TREE LIGHTING: Weathersfield Township will host the annual tree-lighting ceremony with Santa and Mrs. Claus 5 p.m. Saturday at the park off state Route 46. There will be refreshments and activities.

DARE SINGLES: Divorce / Death Aren’t Really the End (DARE) Singles Group, 6625 Mill Creek Blvd., Youngstown, will have card night at 5 p.m. today, at Perkins in Boardman.

Call 330-729-0127 for more information.

LIBRARY ACTIVITIES: December activities for Lepper Library, 303 E. Lincoln Way, Lisbon, include:

•Writers’ Group, 2 p.m. Saturday. Fellow writers get together and discuss writing, publishing and grammar. To have the group critique your writing, send five pages a week before the meeting to dolly@lepperlibrary.org. The group meets every Saturday.

•Elf Workshop: Holiday Fun for Kids, 10 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday. Children will create festive cards, choose and wrap a book to keep, listen to a story and decorate a Christmas cookie. Registration is not required.

•Moving and Grooving, 10 a.m. Tuesdays. Story time for babies and toddlers. Come sing some songs, listen to a story and play.

•Preschool Story Hour, 11 a.m. Tuesdays. Sing songs, listen to stories and make crafts. Stay and play after the program.

For information or registration on any Lepper Library program, contact Dolly@lepperlibrary.org.

AAUW HOLIDAY PARTY: The Youngstown Chapter of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) will host its annual December holiday party 11 a.m. Saturday at Davidson’s, 636 Canfield Road, Canfield. A raffle for scholarships will also take place.

Members are asked to bring gift cards, food items or other practical items, or donate to support the scholarship fund.

For more information, email youngstownaauw@gmail.com or visit https://youngstown-oh.aauw.net/.

Community news

NARCAN DISTRIBUTION: In partnership with BrightView Recovery and the Youngstown City Health District, Mahoning County Public Health is conducting a drive-thru event for the distribution of naloxone and fentanyl test strips 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday at the Eugenia Atkinson Recreation Center, 903 Otis St., Youngstown. Naloxone is a medication that can reverse an opioid overdose.

Anyone can receive a free naloxone kit at the distribution events by participating in a short training session. The training includes identifying risk factors for opioid overdose, recognizing an overdose, calling emergency medical services, giving intranasal naloxone, and monitoring the person until help arrives.

In nearly 40% of overdose deaths, a bystander was present and could have saved a life if they had naloxone available. Naloxone or fentanyl test strips also can be obtained online by going to www.mahoninghealth.org/project-dawn/.

GINGERBREAD HOUSE MAKING: The Liberty Library Branch, 415 Churchill Road, will host gingerbread house decorating at 6 p.m. Thursday for children ages 6 to 12. Registration is required for the free event at 330-759-2589.

The library will provide the gingerbread house decorating supplies. Children can bring a cookie sheet to carry home their creations.

Community news

MITZVAH DAY: The Jewish Community Relations Council of the Youngstown Area Jewish Federation is hosting a Mitzvah Day, “Project Connect 2024,” 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Jewish Community Center, 505 Gypsy Lane, Youngstown. Mitzvah Day is a day to bring people together to promote change in the community. Various organizations and groups will take part at the event.

SANTA’S SPECIAL NIGHT: Columbiana Tourism Bureau will host a Joy of Christmas Light Show Santa’s Special Night from 5:30 to 9 p.m. Wednesday by appointment only for individuals with special needs. The event will be at Harvey S. Firestone Recreational Park, 298 E. Park Ave., Columbiana. The private all-inclusive event provides entertainment for people with special needs and their families. Register at SantasSpecialNight2024. Appointments will be between 5:30 and 9 p.m.

WREATH ORNAMENT: Girard Free Library will host a wreath ornament craft at 6 p.m. Wednesday. Participants will create a festive wreath ornament using a variety of yarn colors. All supplies will be provided. Registration is needed.

WORLD AIDS DAY: The Ursuiline Sisters will mark the 36th annual “World AIDS Day: A Celebration of Life” at 4 p.m. Thursday at the Ursuline Center in Canfield. Members of the public are invited to the celebration. There will be messages of hope, local performances, with a display and ribbons shown at the center.

VENDORS SOUGHT: Vendors are being sought for the Girard Christmas in the Park, which is set 4 to 8 p.m. Dec. 21 at Tod Park. Vendor fee is $50, with forms available at the Girard Free Library. Nonprofit organizations can have the fee waived by showing their non-profit status forms. Vendor forms must be submitted by Dec. 10.

EXPLORING THE SMITHSONIAN: “Unearthed: Exploring the Smithsonian National Gem Collection” with Dr. Jeffrey Post will be 2 p.m. Wednesday at the McKinley Memorial Library in Niles and streamed online. Registration for the live stream is required. The event is presented in partnership with the Library Speakers Consortium. Post has been curator of the gem collection for more than 30 years.

CONCERT OF GIVING The Youngstown Area Community Concert Band and Stambaugh Chorus will host the 14th annual Concert of Giving at 2 p.m. Sunday at Stambaugh Auditorium. Doors open at 1:30 p.m. for the 90-minute concert. All funds raised will be donated to Second Harvest Food Bank. Cash or check donations of any amount will be collected by staff members. No food items will be collected at the event. Since 2011, a total of $59,000 has been raised for Second Harvest.

RAILROAD SHOW: The Youngstown Model Railroad Association will host the fall open house for the holidays Saturday and Sunday and Dec. 14 and 15 at the club, 751 Four Mile Run Road, Austintown. The club is one of the few in the country that has two complete displays of O scale and small HO scale train exhibits.

VETS COMMISSION TO MEET: The Mahoning County Veterans Service Commission will meet at noon Tuesday at the office, 345 Oak Hill Ave. Suite 100, Youngstown.

HOLIDAY MUSIC: Liberty Library, 415 Churchill Hubbard Road, will have the Steel Valley Ukers perform holiday music at 2 p.m. Tuesday.

GRINCH MOVIE: Girard Free Library will show the movie “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” with actor Jim Carrey for teens at 1 p.m. Saturday. Registration is required.

HOLIDAY CHOIR: The Valley Senior Choir will perform 15 popular Christmas carols at 6 p.m. Friday at the McKInley Memorial Museum in Nies. Seating is limited. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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