
City church dispensing fare

The seeing eye

FOOD GIVEAWAY: Alpha and Omega First Baptist Church, 3120 Winton Ave., Youngstown, is hosting a free food giveaway at 9 a.m. Tuesday.

EASTER EVENT: Pleasant Valley Church, 2055 Pleasant Valley Road, Niles will host a Family Easter event 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. The outdoor event will include live animals, crafts, candy and family activities.

FOOD PANTRY: Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Austintown, will host a food pantry 2 to 5 p.m. Friday for anyone needing assistance. During the pandemic, the service can only be offered once a month.

CEMETERY CLEANUP: Girard City Cemetery will hold spring cleanup through Sunday for removing Christmas decorations from the graves. After that date, employees will be removing Christmas decorations in preparation for Easter and Memorial Day.

LEVY MEETING: Liberty Board of Education will host a levy informational meeting 5 p.m. today in the high school auditorium about the district’s request for a five-year, 2.5 mill permanent improvement levy on the May 4 primary ballot. The meeting will be to explain the reasons for the levy request and to clarify any misinformation about the levy.

Those in attendance are asked to wear a mask and social distance. The meeting also will be livestreamed on the district’s YouTube channel.

GIRL SCOUTS SALE: Girl Scout Troop 80739 is selling boxes of Glrl Scout cookies 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. today and Saturdat and Sunday in the parking lot of Cordial’s Deli and Carry Out at the corner of Salt Springs Road and West Liberty Street in Girard. Proceeds cover costs for programs for Girl Scouts.

SHAMROCK RAFFLE: Ursuline High School is sponsoring a shamrock raffle with tickets $10 each and benefitting Ursuline students. Drawing will be April 15 and winners need not be present. For tickets, call 330-744-4563. There will be various prizes.

OHIO HUMANITIES GRANT: Ohio Humanities has launched a recovery grant program, a special one-time funding opportunity to provide support to to public humanities organizations across the state seeking to serve the public in 2021.

Eligible projects include public humanities events, digital projects and efforts to offer programs providing social distancing measures.

Ohio Humanities is dedicated to helping organizations and groups that have had to deal with the effects of the pandemic.

Applications deadline for the grants are due on Saturday for the projects that start after May 17. Second round application are due by May 10 for projects that start after Aug. 15.

For information, visit http://www.ohiohumanities.org/


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