

Lawmakers ignore and circumvent voters’ will

Ohio lawmakers and other elected officials have a habit of trying to circumvent the will of the people, no matter how loudly Buckeye State residents have spoken. Another recent example comes in the collection of state laws that combine to create a 24-hour waiting period for abortions in the ...

Sherrod’s attacks on Moreno disgusting

DEAR EDITOR: The year was 1974. A loaf of bread was 33 cents. One gallon of gas was 53 cents. A dozen eggs would put you back 78 cents, and it was less than one dime to buy a first-class stamp. It was the year Sherrod Brown started collecting a government paycheck. This career politician ...

Canfield Fair proves itself to be unfair

DEAR EDITOR: In 1971 I attended my first Canfield Fair. I was 16 years old and I was wearing a T-shirt that said “Legalize Marijuana.” I was told at the gate to turn the shirt inside out or go home. Last year I attended the fair for the first time in many years. I was shocked to see fair ...

Let the American flag fly high on Labor Day

DEAR EDITOR: How sad to go down street after street and not to see our American flag flying! Please display your flag this coming Labor Day with pride. Our children need to inherit this custom by example. ADELINE SUHOVECKY Austintown

Remember, Ohio, character is important

DEAR EDITOR: I spent the first 24 years of my life in Ohio. I was born in Niles, moved to Warren when I was 13, attended Western Reserve Academy in Hudson, and graduated from Ohio University in Athens. My first job was at Cedar Point in Sandusky. Now that I am living in California, I miss the ...

Don’t be fooled by false masculinity

DEAR EDITOR: Donald Trump’s flag-hugging buffoonery, Bannon’s fascist rhetoric, a junior senator fist pumping to incite a mob he would later flee, a convict Cabinet member insisting the “big lie” isn’t. All are examples of MAGA masculinity and faux patriotism. The same people now ...