Dulci-More brings Bare Bones to Salem
The vocal trio Bare Bones will perform a Dulci-More: Folk & Traditional Musicians concert at 7 p.m. Friday in the Dale Shaffer Research Library of the Salem Historical Society, 239 S. Lundy Avenue, Salem.
Rebecca Kimmons, lead singer and contralto, has been a student of Appalachian-style unaccompanied singing since she was a child. Bill Kimmons, bass, grew up singing in choirs and musicals. Dock Cutlip, tenor, grew up on old-time gospel harmonies. The group has performed on “Mountain Stage” and released five CDs.
Admission is $10 at the door for adults and $5 for all children in a family with a responsible adult.
For more information, call 234-564-3852 or email bill@dulcimore.org.