
Spring’s not the only thing to enjoy in March

As a March baby, I couldn’t help but stop and take note when I came across an article online titled “26 Reasons March is the Best Month.”

The source? None other than the world-renowned “Reader’s Digest” — the online version, that is, found at www.rd.com.

Some of the entries making the list include the following:

• Eating pie on Pi Day

Whether you’re a math geek or just love puns, there’s something for everyone to love about Pi Day. Of course, the holiday dedicated to celebrating the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter (approximately 3.14) is held March 14. See? In March, you can have your pi and eat it, too.

• Donating blood

Giving blood is one of the best things we can do to help out our fellow humans and for most people, it’s fairly simple and painless. Seriously! March is Red Cross Month and it provides a perfect excuse to organize a blood drive or just stop by your local bank and donate. If giving blood just isn’t your thing, no worries; you can also donate money or time.

• Phone Booth Day

I think it was back in my college days the last time I used a phone booth. Not sure I could locate one today. And apparently, that’s the point because every March 10 is International Find a Phone Booth Day. For the young’ns, these were vertically upright enclosures made of glass where we’d pay to make phone calls. Yes, this is what we dinosaurs did before the advent of the cellular phone. To my knowledge, the only person still using them today is Clark Kent when he needs to morph into Superman.

• Hop on a bunny train

The Easter Bunny Express rolls into town, via locomotive. While the Polar Express offers plenty of winter train rides, some might be surprised that it chugs along in the spring, as well. It seems that the Easter Bunny Express offers a themed train ride full of springtime flowers, Easter eggs, baby animals and candy. There are versions all over the country during March and April, including in North Carolina, Colorado, Connecticut, Washington and even one around the rim of the Grand Canyon in Arizona. Who knew?

• Recover from the holidays

The holiday season may officially end on Jan. 1, but that doesn’t mean the stress magically drops away. You still have to take down all the lights, pack up the decorations, put away the presents and do all the other things you neglected because you told yourself you’d get to them after the holidays. Then, there’s the issue of February’s credit card statement. GULP.

But by March, all of that should mostly be over and you can finally start the new year fresh. Bring on March, the unofficial start of the nonholiday season!

Oh, St. Patrick’s Day. Enough said.

• Plan a trip

March is the best time of the year to book a cruise.

It seems, according to www.dealsnews.com, January through March is the peak cruise-booking season. Toward the end of March, cruise companies look to sell out their remaining rooms so hurry because prices start to rise again in April. Talk about April Fools!

But then again, let’s enjoy March first, shall we?

Kimerer is a columnist with a dream to go cruising in March – or anytime. Contact her at pkimerer@zoominternet.net.


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