
Whatever heaven is, she wants to be there

Heaven. I’m in heaven. And my heart beats so that I can barely speak…

Or at least, that is what the old song says, yes?

But music aside, I’ve always wondered what it’s like all the way up there in the up there. Haven’t you?

It is, by the by, the end all, be all and outright ultimate destination, am I right? So, who can help but wonder what the best place ever is like — and, more importantly, if we’ve got what it takes to make it past those pearly gates and get inside, if you know what I mean.

For me personally, I imagine it’s a wonderfully beautiful spot up there beyond the clouds — a fluffy utopia where inhabitants spend all day, every day in sunshine and happiness — and where you can munch on all the dark chocolate, French fries and Coke Zero you can shake a stick at AND not have to worry about carbs or calories.

That is to say, all guilty pleasures would be emancipated from their collective bondage, capsice?

I should think it would be warm and bright but never hot or humid, hence no hideous hair or unfortunate, crispy sunburn situations.

I’d venture to say, it’s the place where we can all indulge in our favorites of all time all the time.

I was interested in what some of my nearest and dearest thought of heaven so I sent out the old PK call with the query: what is your idea of heaven?

My sister, Gina, was quick to weigh in: “Reuniting with all of our loved ones who have gone before us. No sickness. Eternally happy and blessed!”

Mom shared similar sentiments: “Having all your family and the people you love around you and everyone is happy and healthy.”

Word to my mother, yo.

Now, our brother Dan had a different vision. “A little cottage in the mountains with my favorite gal,” he said with a smile.

My son was quite literal in his response: “Mom, Revelation 21:4 states it outright — ‘He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.'”

That guy is super smart as well as devoted to the Lord. Heaven knows I did something right with that kiddo of mine, thanks be to you-know-who.

Continuing with others’ thoughts, my pal Lizzie responded: “Peace, no pain, reunion with loved ones, happiness and love.”

My best childhood friend, Shel, said, “I bet it’s just like a big family gathering on a Sunday afternoon. Everyone is chatting and eating and happy.”

Sounds good to me!

What also sounds good to me is living life in a way that can permit you to gain entrance into the best place of all places. In other words, I am trying like the dickens to lead a life of anti-dickens, I guess you could say — see what I did there?

Here’s wishing you all a heavenly Sunday. Kimerer is a columnist who’s a big fan of the Big Guy. Contact her at pkimerer@zoominternet.net.


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