
Try on these resolutions for the over-50 crowd

We make them every year right around this time.

We pledge, either aloud or just internally, that these will be the rules — or maybe in some cases the lack thereof? — for the coming year.

You know where this is going, don’t you?


Hmm. The process is a bit of tricky business at times, no? We enter the New Year with such high hopes and self-set expectations, no matter how many times we’ve vowed and less than wowed in the past, either recently or perhaps even way, way back in the day, okay?


I, for one, am looking for something a little different this year. This I decided after a random web surfing session landed me on a list of things that people over 50 do. Or can do. Or should do.

Sheesh, that’s a lot of do-do.

In the article “13 Reassuring Things To Do When You Turn 50 Years Old,” here’s how it all shook out insofar as suggestions for those of us a half-century (or more?).

1. Embrace gratitude.

Well, this is not just for us oldies, but should be the goal of all mouth-breathers on this big blue ball of ours. Instead of the age old “Why me?” query, why not ask “Why not me?” and be super happy when the answer is anything less than catastrophic.

2. Gain perspective.

If you haven’t realized it by 50-plus, I’m not sure I can help you, but I’ll keep on a’tryin’. Think about and focus on what matters: faith, family, friends. That other f-word, fortune, isn’t as impactful to us geezers as it was when we were whipper snappers.

3. Get to reminiscing.

Understand and embrace the past — whether good or bad. If good, give thanks. If bad, don’t lose the lesson, capisce?

4. Increase self-confidence.

Still workin’ on this one myself. Next?

5. Reinvent yourself through your past experiences.

Similar to rule #3, with an emphasis on some type of change. Leave the cocoon and become the butterfly, okay?

6. Join a new club.

You don’t really believe that adage about old dogs and new tricks, now, do ya? No matter how old we get, we are never too old to learn. Like, ever.

7. Enjoy and thrive in your relationships.

In other words, give of yourself to others and you’re likely to have that good karma comin’ right back atcha.

8. Make sure your experiences lead to wisdom.

I’m not claiming wisdom by any means but the sheer amount of life experiences you endure as you age has gotta count for something, right?

9. Understand yourself.

Pleading the fifth here.

10. Understand other people better.

This one I can do — rather well, I think and hope. I’m all about the empathy and making a concerted effort to put myself in the shoes of others — even when they’re eight-inch stilettos.

11. Enjoy your financial freedom.

I’ll let you know when this happens, hee hee!

12. Say no.

See response to No. 11.

13. Have fewer responsibilities and more free time.

Can’t wait to get there but for now, busy is as busy does.

Happy 2024, my peeps!

Kimerer is a columnist who wants 2024 to be her and your best year yet! Send her your resolution-type-thingys at pkimerer@zoominternet.net.


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