
Power of positivity puts smile on PK’s face

My Sentiments Exactly

I thought we could all use a healthy dose of positivity this Sunday morning. So I sought out some of the most affirming quotes and sayings I could find on the World Wide Web (in one of my famous PK internet searches!) and here is a smattering of those that struck my particular fancy as worthy of sharing with y’all.

1. Believe in yourself.

This one seemed like an obvious place to start. I mean, let’s face it, if you (and your mom, likely) aren’t your biggest fan, how can you expect anyone else to join your fan-wagon?

2. Stay strong. Dream, believe, achieve.

I know this sounds cheesier than pepperoni pizza but I do think it’s true. I mean, if you have faith in yourself, you really can be unstoppable, no?

3. Never give up. A little bit of progress every day adds up to big results.

Probably sounds pretty corny but I’m thinkin’ it’s really accurate. If you’re on a just, right and healthy path, your feet are likely going to do a happy dance the whole way.

4. Be grateful. A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles.

I love, love, love this one, because I truly strive to be grateful every day for all with which God has blessed me. I know it’s much more than I deserve and I thank Him for all of it on the regular.

Most notably, it’s that kid of mine that feels like the greatest blessing I could have ever been blessed to receive. I know, I’m hardly objective when it comes to my Kyle. What can I say? Proud mom alert, my friends.

5. Work hard. Good things come to those who hustle.

I feel like this is so true. Hard workers are the fabric of humanity, to be certain.

6. Stay humble. Work hard in silence and let success make the noise.

Pretty self explanatory, I believe? The bottom line is, “Never make it about yourself.” Seriously. I don’t think it’s very nice of any of us to do this in any way or at any time.

What can I say? I’m a big fan of the majority of my fellow inhabitants of this big, blue marble we call Earth. But only if they follow the following:

7. Be kind. Kindness makes you the most beautiful.

Amen to this one, my friends. And I can tell you truthfully that I make every effort to do, be and say the right things for the betterment of my fellow humans each and every day. Honest.

8. Keep smiling. Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.

Man, I wish I’d thought of this one. It’s so true, though. I mean, without even thinking about it, I smile at family, friends and strangers just because it feels right.

As I am prone to do, I thought I’d add a few of my own. You know me …

1. No matter what happens, don’t stop believing in yourself.

2. Always look on the bright side. I don’t mean to sound like a Monty Python movie, y’all, but if we strive to see the good instead of the bad, dollars to doughnuts we’re going to see and experience the former and not the latter, you dig?

Call me kooky but I’m just a “I want to buy the world a Coke” kind of gal! (As the old commercial sang, anyway.)

Kimerer is a hopeless optimist. Send good vibes only to pkimerer@zoominternet.net.


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