
A few of her favorite summer things

Recently, I felt the need to validate my love for the summer season.

Oh, you winter lovers calm down. I’ll give you top billing come December, a’ight?

As always, I may or may not be using my friends’ and family members’ real names, just in case they offered something completely off the wall, you know what I mean?

For instance, my pal, um, Mary said this about the summer solstice:

“White shoes. I’ve always loved white shoes and wear them literally ever day from Memorial Day (the unofficial launch of summer) to Labor Day. Every year, without fail. As much as is humanly possible.”

Hmm. Okay, not the type of response I was expecting but whatever floats your boat. I suppose?

Speaking of which, that was a very popular response: boating.

“I love that we can jump on our pontoon and leisurely cruise around the lake. There’s nothing like being on the water that soothes the soul,” said Devon.

He was in good company. Another pal commented: “Being in or around a body of water. Pool, ocean, lake, doesn’t matter!”

“Oh, I just love to take those boat tours on Lake Erie where you spend the evening on the water having dinner and dancing. I’d say it’s my absolute favorite way to spend a summer evening!” gushed a cousin of mine.

Apparently, if you’re willing to make an entire ordeal about it, there’s another boat-themed option.

“Boating on the bayou in New Orleans is hands-down the best trip we ever took!” said another friend.

Hmm. Riding through a swamp to possibly come face-to-face with a crocodile? I’m thinking hard pass for PK.

For others, it was simplicity.

“Best thing about summer for me is simply just sitting outside on the patio hanging out with family and friends,” said one of my lifelong pals.

I must admit that I agree. I mean, not having to don a parka and brave ice-covered roads to spend time with some of your favorite peeps? Not a shabby proposition, if you ask me.

“Fireflies. Or lightning bugs. Whatever you want to call them. I think of them as one of God’s special gifts to us, having them light up the backyard each night is nothing short of a little miracle,” my buddy from high school said.

I gotta admit, I, too, am a sucker for those little buggers, er bugs. A true sign of my favorite season if ever there was one! What does winter have to rival that one, my friends?

“Green. It has to be the green,” said yet another pal. And no, she was not referring to golf, smarty pants out there.

“Everything is so lush and green and vibrant in the summer. Just think of the flowers that bloom or the shrubbery that lines so many homes, businesses, and such. There’s hardly a prettier sight — especially for those of us who have to deal with dead trees and icy roads come winter,” was the opinion of one respondent to my question.

For old PK, it’s all of the above — and the chance to write on my laptop outdoors, hee!

Kimerer is a columnist and die-hard fan of summer. Don’t even try to convince her otherwise but do feel free to share your favorite summer traditions with her at pkimerer@zoominternet.net.


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