
Odder jobs than newspaper columnist, Part I

My Sentiments Exactly

So, we’ve been doing this for how long now … I’d say at least a few decades or so, no?

If memory serves — and to be quite honest, lately it’s been offering worse delivery than this year’s least reliable internet provider — it has been quite a while that I’ve been making meager, half-witted attempts to provide a respite to the average headline / story in the confines of this silly space, correct?

That’s the beauty of being a print columnist: Very rarely do you get a vote of no confidence or a notice that your audience, er, customers think you’ve gone off the deep end of life’s infinity pool and are unable to resurface.

Ah, that’s the beauty of writing one’s own column — rarely do we lose CEO status on the imaginary authority one retains.

That’s just a PK way of saying, of course, that I want you to go down another silly road with me again this Sunday. Look, if you had anything better to do this Sunday morning, I’m purty sure you’d have been merrily on your way to the station by now. Hee!

Now, it is true that one can never be quite sure where the earnest writer comes up with topics, at least not in the world of PK, which we all know can be quite a trip down the rabbit hole, Alice.

But I thought we could all use a good dose of senselessness this morning, so bear with me, if you’d be so kind? After all, it’s really unlike you to protest my oddness, to be fair. Stick with what you’re good at, I always say!

Anyhoo, I got to wondering what, pray tell, are the oddest occupations here in the land of 2023?

Naturally I did what every good explorer might in this day and age, I jumped online.

Here’s what our trusted companion of modern times, the worldwide web, offered as some of the strangest, er, make that unique, occupations of modern man.

• Dog food taster — That’s what I said. Being a pet food taster is, and I quote, “Something that sounds like a prank gone awry, but is a real job.” At least according to the same powers-that-be which granted my sister (and her son, my nephew) the ability to conduct wedding ceremonies.

Like I said, it’s 2023, friends. It’s amazing what a unique perspective and $10 can buy these days. Hmpf.

• Mourner — Listen, I’d love to say I’m funnin’ with y’all but I digress. This is apparently a card-carrying occupation in certain corners of the world. As would you, I assume, I’ll be steering wide left of such turns on the highway of life, as it were.

• Odor judge — Or as I like to call them here in the good old US of A, mothers. That’s right, I’m claiming that market for the mums of the third rock from the sun. All opposed may submit refund applications for my column to — who else? — my mother.

I seem to have done it again, don’t I?

To be clear, an odor judge is someone who, apparently, sniffs the armpits, feet and / or breath of those who have recently used certain products to gauge their effectiveness.

I’ve hit the end of my space but not the end of the oddest jobs of 2023. Meet me here next week and we’ll continue this silly journey.

• Take a left turn — or possibly a right — down Kimerer’s road via pakimerer@icloud.com.


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