Health notes
To include or update items in the weekly Health News list, email information to or afox@trib The deadline is noon Sunday for inclusion in that week’s list.
HEALTH SCREENINGS AVAILABLE: Residents living in or near Youngstown can learn about their risk for cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, diabetes and other chronic illnesses and serious conditions with screenings by Life Line Screening.
Holy Family Church, 2729 Center Road, Youngstown, will host the screenings Oct. 16.
Special pricing starts at $159. Call 1-877-237-1287 or go to for information. Pre-registration is required.
SURVIVORS SUPPORT: Jewish Family & Community Services is offering a 10-week survivors of suicide support group for those who have lost a loved one to suicide.
The group will meet from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. every Tuesday for 10 weeks beginning Oct. 15 at the JCC of Youngstown, 505 Gypsy Lane.
To register, contact Laura at 330-746-7929, ext. 243 or There is a limit of 10 participants, who will meet in this closed group for 10 weeks. This support group is made possible in partnership with the Mahoning County Mental Health and Recovery Board.
For more information visit
BINGOCIZE: Mahoning County Public Health is offering Bingocize classes, a combination of fitness and health education that incorporates the game of bingo. Bingocize is focused on helping sedentary adults fit physical activity into their lives in a fun way to help to reduce their risk of falling.
Bingocize is an evidence
•based program that will improve and maintain mobility and independence, use health information for fall reduction and engage individuals in a social setting. Classes will be from 1 to 2 p.m. today at the Canfield Library, 43 W Main St., Canfield. Class will meet twice a week for 10 weeks.
For more information, call 330-270-2855 ext. 109 or 137
FLU SHOTS: Mahoning County Public Health will host flu shot clinics at various locations throughout the county.
Everyone 6 months of age and older should get a flu vaccine every season. No appointment is necessary.
Patients are asked to bring insurance cards, a driver’s license, Medicaid and Medicare cards so the cost of the vaccine can be billed.