
Reflections on spring — plant poetry while flowers bloom

Memorial Day seemed to come fast this year. It is now past us and almost everything is planted. It’s a good time to sit back and reflect.

It reminds me of this beautiful poem:

“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee. The small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.” — Ashley Smith

In the last few months, I was blessed with a dog. Mollie and I walk around the yard many more times than I have in the past. One observation I noticed was the buds forming on plants, then getting bigger until their color and beauty popped open in all their splendor. Plants that last year were doing just so-so are now thriving and others not so hot.

My seedlings are starting to sneak up out of the soil.

“The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies.” — Gertrude Jekyll

I started a bunch of seeds in cardboard individual cups and thought that I would just label them with permanent markers. Well, I’m not sure what happened, but all the labeling faded so I have no idea what seed is what plant. My garden may end up being a hodgepodge of plants! I’m pretty sure there are sunflowers coming up where I thought I planted green beans.

Then I like this quote: “There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments.” — Janet Kilburn Phillips

This year, my brother challenged several family members to see who could grow the biggest pumpkin. I planted this experiment-Big Max and sent blessings its way, hoping for it to reach its full potential of 100 pounds. Of course, I’m not sure what I’ll do with a 100-pound pumpkin.

I’ve been amazed how plants grow and change overnight — kind of like kids that seem to grow 2 inches during their sleep. One day there were no leaves on hibiscus plant; the next morning, leaves covered it. California poppies sprouted up 2 to 3 inches, and my roses started climbing.

Then we had rain. The world started blooming. Spring is awesome!

As we grow into summer, I hope you’ll take time to walk around your yard, maybe with a hot cup of coffee and just enjoy the results of your labor. I try not to think about weeds or coming work with canning, freezing vegetables or whatever distraction often comes into my mind — but just enjoy spring!

I leave you with this quote to think about as you stop to enjoy the garden:

“How lovely is the silence of growing things.” –Evan Dicken.

Kacenski is an Ohio State University Mahoning County Extension Master Gardener volunteer.


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